Friday, March 19, 2010

Mouthing Off and the Art of Self-Restraint

Noted author and my personal mentor, P.M. Forni says that restraint is our inner designated driver. Restraint allows us to make sound decisions. In the following video, you'll see how a young woman may have wished she'd learned the value of self-restraint.

I'm curious to know what you think of this event. So instead of my usual essay about my perspective, I'd like to hear from you.


  1. Overall, I feel sad watching that video. There are just SO many places where that young woman could have chosen to have the conversation & incident end differently -- AND have made her own point. She honestly seemed to be puzzled as to why she was being restrained ... and why her actions affected an entire group and not just "the one she had her biz-ness with". (From the other comments, there's also clearly a history there we were not privy to see.) There is so little about peaceful conflict resolution -- or almost any kind of interpersonal communications -- taught to kids... or adults for that matter. Cursing and violence, which leads only to escalation and/or one person needing to 'swallow pride' or 'back down' (neither of which resolves an issue or leaves anyone feeling good about it) is the only 'anger management' tool that seems available to so many people. Here's hoping your mission and future program(s) will address that problem Gay!! xoxo

  2. AMQ- This is bad, sad and embarrassing on so many levels. I hope this is not an indication of the thinking and behavior of our future leaders. I have seen this behavior in prison but in a college classroom....Help us. If students behave this way, how will we ever get good dedicated teachers and instructors. I can't begin to comment on her language and abuse of English. She was even an insult to Ebonics.

  3. Katie and Ann-Maria,

    Thanks for reading. Sad to say that the last high school where I worked as a substitute teacher was FULL of kids exactly like this. And now they want teachers to be held accountable for test scores. Lord help us.

  4. But, so why'd the cop feel it was necessary to rest his hand on her right derriere cheek for a loooooooooonggggggg time? He just rested it there, "copping" a feel on the sly!
